الاثنين، 28 سبتمبر 2009

find yourself

When you find yourselfIn some far off place
And it causes you to rethink some things
You start to sense that slowly You're becoming someone else
And then you find yourself
When you make new friends in a brand new town
And you start to think about settlin' down
The things that would have been lost on you Are now clear as a bell
And you find yourself
Yeah that's when you find yourself
Where you go through life
So sure of where you’re headin'
And you wind up lost and it's The best thing that could have happened
‘Cause sometimes when you lose your way it's really just as well
Because you find yourself
Yeah that’s when you find yourself
When you meet the one
That you've been waitin' for
And he's everything that you want and more
You look at him and you finally start to live for some one else
And then you find yourself
That’s when you find yourself
When we go through life
So sure of where we're headin'
And we wind up lost and it's The best thing that could have happened
‘Cause sometimes when you lose your way it's really just as well
Because you find yourself
Yeah that's when you find yourself

ليست هناك تعليقات:

فى لحظة ما .. نسأل أنفسنا كيف تمضى بنا الأيام.. يوما بعد يوم .. ننجرف بعيدا .. نفقد تصالحنا مع أنفسنا .. نجد انفسنا فجأة على مفترق طرق او امام موقف ندرك عنده اننا لا نعرف أنفسنا .. من نكون .. وماذا نريد.. فى تمثل تلك اللحظة قررت أنى أريد أن أحيا الحياة التى حلمت بها دوما.. تلك الحياة التى أعلم فى أعماق نفسى أنها الحياة التى يتجسد و يتجدد فيها إيمانى ..سعادتى ..طموحى ..أحلامى وأهدافى .. لذلك قررت أن يكون .. كل يوم يمر على.. خطوة.. نحو.. الحياة الطيبة.